Inspirational Thoughts from Stake Conference

We had the chance to hear the leaders in our stake (several congregations or wards make up a stake) share messages in stake conference Saturday evening and Sunday morning.  They were wonderful meetings.  Stephen, Derek and I participated in the choir and really enjoyed singing beautiful hymns of praise.  I thought I'd share some thoughts from the conference (mostly so I remember the feelings and impressions I felt).

The Savior loves children.  He commanded that they be brought to him.  Our children and all children within our influence can feel the Savior's love through our love for them.  We can be a positive influence in a child's life.

"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."  2 Nephi 25:26

Love and serve one another.  Be a source of peace to the world.

It's by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass.  It is by exercising faith, being diligent, serving others and being still enough to hear the whisperings of the Spirit and acting upon those promptings that miracles occur in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

"I have a new project, one chapter a day from each of the standard works.  I have been on it for four days and am only three days behind.  Better to have tried and failed than never to have tried."  
Marjorie Hinckley, wife of President Gordon B. Hinckley

When his daughters were little, our stake president decided to sew bathrobes for them for Christmas. His wife helped him choose a pattern and get the fabric that he needed.  He cut out the fabric and thought "This isn't too hard."  Then he started to sew.  He ended up with a tangle of threads and stitches that meandered all over the place.  It wasn't turning out at all like it should.  He finally asked his wife for help.  She came to see what the problem was and started chuckling.  He had left the foot up on the sewing machine.  Once he put the foot down, the fabric was held in place and he was able to sew the bathrobes with no problems.  He related the "foot" to the scriptures.  If we have scripture study in place, it will hold the fabric of our life together.  By the way, his daughters loved their new Daddy bathrobes.  

A returned missionary spoke to the new members of the Church and expressed the love we feel for them. 

A recent convert shared her conversion story and how serving in the temple has brought her joy and linked the generations of her family.

All you need to be happy throughout life is to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ.  When obedience becomes a quest, God endows us with power.

President Rincon thanked the mothers in the congregation for their selfless service and then said this:  "Moms, you don't have to do everything to be everything to us."

Memorize Matthew 7:7 using this acronym ASK.

A is for Ask
S is for Seek
K is for Knock

Counsel with the Lord and talk with Him as often as possible.

How do you know that you are fulfilling your purpose in life and doing what the Lord needs and wants you to do?  Accept callings with faith knowing that they come from the Lord through inspired priesthood leaders.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful conference. Thanks for sharing these thoughts and lifting me up!


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