Teaching Brings Me Joy

I love to teach and share with others skills that I've learned.  And, being a member of the Church, I get lots of opportunities to do that.

I love teaching the Primary children each week how to sing.  I feel the Spirit as the beautiful children in my ward sing songs like "Praise to the Man", "Beautiful Savior, "The Lord Gave Me a Temple", "I Love to See the Temple" and I love this phrase from one of our songs this year . . . "And if I listen with my heart, I hear the Savior's voice."

I was so excited about the opportunity to teach the young women about storytelling and how to share a story with a child.  I taught the class like a storytime.  It was so much fun.  That's one of the things I've missed since our move.  I loved doing storytimes every week at the library.  The funny thing about the class was that there was a bit of confusion about the activity.  We ended up with one girl there and 5 women.  But we all had fun and I felt like the time flew by.  This is one of my favorite books that I shared with them.
Tanka Tanka Skunk!
I taught a workshop last night about basic music conducting skills.  I had 9 people in the class--3 adults and 6 youth.  One of the bishops in the stake signed up his priests for the class and he came along with them.  I liked seeing the expressions on the faces of the participants as they learned something new and tried it out.  I think we now have 9 new, proficient, and confident choristers.
Richard's Hands conducting
I love teaching piano lessons.  I'm teaching 9 students now and hope to grow my studio to 20 students.  It is exciting to see a student progress and improve.  I like figuring out how I can help each student and what would be motivational and encouraging to them.  Piano has always been such a blessing in my life.  It has been a source of joy since my childhood.

And, next week, I get to teach a Basic Organist Class for people wanting to transition from the piano to the organ.  I'm no expert on this subject but hopefully I can share what I do know and help people want to learn more.

Teaching, sharing and serving.  Those are 3 things that bring me great joy!


  1. Thanks for sharing what you're doing, Kendra. You're such a great example to me. I have always appreciated your complete willingness to serve and give all! I'm so glad you're my big sis!

  2. Ditto, from me. I'm so amazed at how much you do for other people and in your calling. Sometimes I feel locked into my busy family bubble. But oh well, there is a time and season, right?

  3. Ah, my sweet sisters! Thanks for the kind words. There really is a time and season to do things. I'm at the season of trying to keep busy so I don't miss my family (who are spread across the country) too much.

  4. Hi Kendra,
    I hope you don't mind me blogstalking you. I love reading about all the great things you do. You are such a great example of having a positive outlook on life and always learning something new, and then teaching it to others. So inspiring! I miss having piano lessons from you. That really was the bright spot of my week. Thanks again!


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