Our Missionary

Our son has been serving a 2-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  He's been serving in Northern Virginia.  He has worked hard and grown to love the people he has taught and served.  And, now, in one week, he'll be home.  I don't think I could ever articulate all the good that his dedicating two years of his life to help bring others to Christ has done for him.  I thought I'd share some of his words as he has reflected on his mission experiences.

There were plenty of wonderful experiences this week in the mission field. I heard a missionary say that if we are too busy looking for the huge miracles, then we may miss the small tender mercies from the Lord that are all around us. That’s true in missionary work and life. We’re so blessed, we just have to open our eyes and LOOK! 
This is the most fulfilling thing that I've ever done in my life. I love being a missionary. I hope everyone serves a mission. For those who are preparing, and are worthy, and choose not to serve, it will the worst mistake they ever made in their life.
I hope that those who have been following me along, reading and hearing of my experiences from serving a mission have in some way felt the spirit that I am feeling and grown closer to our Savior. He alone is the only one worth emulation. I hope that I can be more like Him. I love Him and am eternally grateful for what He has taught me on my mission.
I seriously think that I've had the best mission in the world. I'm grateful for the people that the Lord has trusted me to meet and play a small role in their understanding and living of the Gospel. My hope is that I've been able to fulfill all that the Lord has expected of me. Though very challenging and tough at times, I'm grateful for the experiences the Lord has allowed me to have. I wonder what I ever did to deserve this... what an honor it has been to be a part of His work. 

See you soon, Elder Holmstead!


  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post! Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful pictures and thoughts. I know I have to wait another 6 months to see Devyn, but we are excited to see him when he comes back to Utah for school!

  2. Mom! Wonderful post!!! I almost cried with joy! Devyn was already a wonderful young man, but he's become even more so the past 2 years! I can't wait for him to come home and to see him in June! Thanks for the post!

  3. Oh, what a joy to see Elder Holmstead in all of his glory!! It has been an absolute pleasure to read his missionary letters and sense the growth and the happiness. Hope you have a completely joyful reunion on Friday. We're thinking of you!


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