The Journey Begins

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Lao Tzu

I'm taking the first step of my blogging journey. I'm beginning. New beginnings can be exciting and adventurous and scary all at the same time. Like the Saturday almost 7 weeks ago that I pulled up my deep Boise roots and transplanted them in South Florida. I still don't know if I'll thrive here but I'm reminding myself to find joy in the journey.


  1. Of course you'll just might take awhile to take root and start to grow!

  2. Hey Mom - This is Heather & Anthony.
    We LOVE YOU!!!! :)
    We're so excited that you started a blog!!!! Yay! Now we can read yours just like you can read ours! We hope this adjustment to Florida starts picking up real fast. You can do it! :)

  3. I had to laugh about the Idaho boy moving to Florida and wearing a California T-shirt. Hee, Hee. You all make me smile.

  4. So fun that you have a blog. I love reading about your new adventures in Florida. Good luck with the adjustments I'm sure with your positive, friendly attitude everything is going great. We're missing you in the stake...we're in the Meadowgrass Ward.


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